Fibroids Specialist

Pacifica Health

OBGYNs & Primary Care Practice located in East Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA & Monterey Park, CA

As many as 80% of women develop uterine fibroids by the age of 50. Because fibroids can lead to pelvic pain and heavy bleeding, the experienced team at Pacifica Health provides expert fibroid care. With locations in the East Hollywood and Chinatown neighborhoods of Los Angeles and Monterey Park, California, you can conveniently book your fibroid evaluation. Call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

Fibroids Q & A

Why do I have fibroids?

Fibroids are small benign growths — rarely do they ever become cancerous — that develop within or on your uterine walls. Also known as fibromas or myomas, fibroids tend to run in families. Your risk of developing fibroids is also high due to:

  • Consuming lots of red meat
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Being age 30 or over
  • Pregnancy

Additionally, women of African-American descent tend to have a higher occurrence of uterine fibroids. 

What are the symptoms of fibroids?

Fibroids don’t always cause symptoms. Some women are unaware that they have fibroids until they undergo an ultrasound or other screening for an unrelated issue. 

But sometimes fibroids develop in more sensitive areas and cause problems, or they grow quite large. In these cases, fibroids can lead to:

  • Pain during intercourse
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Increased urination frequency
  • Pelvic pain
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding that may include clots

If you have any of these symptoms or if you’re noticing that your periods are getting longer, schedule an evaluation for fibroids at Pacifica Health right away. 

How are fibroids treated?

Your dedicated OB/GYN at Pacifica Health runs expanded testing and screenings, which may include an in-office ultrasound, to determine the severity of your fibroids. 

Depending on the size of your fibroids and the severity of your symptoms, your OB/GYN could recommend:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 
  • Acetaminophen
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) medications
  • Low-dose birth control pills 
  • Progesterone-like injections
  • Intrauterine devices

If conservative treatments aren’t effective for you, your OB/GYN at Pacifica Health could recommend surgery. 

The expert practitioners specialize in minimally invasive fibroid surgery (myomectomy), so you can expect relief from the most painful of fibroids, with little downtime afterward.

For more complex cases of fibroids, your OB/GYN at Pacifica Health may recommend a hysterectomy or an endometrial ablation. But, these procedures are reserved as an absolute last resort since you won’t be able to have children afterward. 

Before living another day with fibroid symptoms, see how the compassionate team at Pacifica Health can help. Schedule your fibroid evaluation online or over the phone today.