Pelvic Prolapse Specialist

Pacifica Health

OBGYNs & Primary Care Practice located in East Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA & Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA

Pelvic prolapse affects almost 3% of women. It’s uncomfortable, embarrassing, and disruptive to daily life. The experienced team at Pacifica Health offers evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment for pelvic organ prolapse to restore your comfort, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. There are offices in the East Hollywood and Chinatown neighborhoods of Los Angeles and in Monterey Park, California. If you suffer from symptoms of pelvic prolapse, call the nearest office today or use the online tool to schedule.

Pelvic Prolapse Q & A

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when one or more of the organs in your pelvis shifts in position. Your pelvic organs, like the uterus, rectum, and bladder, are held up by a group of muscles and tissues that keep them firmly positioned inside your pelvis. 

If these muscles weaken or loosen, your pelvic organs may “drop.” They can press into your vaginal canal, causing pain and discomfort, or even protrude through and outside your vagina.

What are the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse?

You won’t always experience symptoms when you have pelvic prolapse. Your practitioner at Pacifica Health may identify prolapse during a routine pelvic exam. Even if you have no symptoms, you’ll still benefit from treatment to prevent future complications.

Many women, however, experience uncomfortable symptoms associated with pelvic prolapse, including:

  • Pain or pressure during sexual intercourse
  • Chronic fullness, pressure, or aching in the pelvis
  • Pain and discomfort when inserting tampons
  • Incontinence or problems with bowel movements 

Some women may notice the protrusion of unusual tissue inro the vagina that indicates prolapse.

Am I at risk of developing pelvic organ prolapse?

Some women are genetically predisposed to having weak pelvic floor muscles and tissue, so prolapse occurs. Vaginal childbirth increases your risk, especially if you’ve had multiple children or a baby that weighed more than 8.5 pounds at birth. 

Aging and straining due to regular constipation also put you at risk of prolapse. Obesity also places pressure on the tissue of the pelvic floor, further increasing your risk.

How is pelvic organ prolapse treated?

Your age, health, sexual habits, and severity of your prolapse all play a role in your pelvic prolapse treatment plan.

Mild cases of prolapse respond well to pelvic floor muscle therapy that involves exercises to strengthen the area so you naturally lift the organs. Dietary changes to discourage constipation and improve bowel function can also help.

Women with bladder or uterine prolapse often benefit from the insertion of a pessary. This removable device is placed in your vagina to support your organs and help ease urinary incontinence. The doctors may recommend other surgical treatments in more severe cases of prolapse.

If you’re suffering from symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, contact Pacifica Health right away. Call the closest office to arrange your appointment or schedule online today.