Menopause Specialist

Pacifica Health

OBGYNs & Primary Care Practice located in East Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA & Monterey Park, CA

Are you a woman over 40 suffering from hot flashes, brain fog, and vaginal dryness? It’s very possible you’re heading toward menopause and could use help in navigating this life change. At Pacifica Health, with locations in the East Hollywood and Chinatown neighborhoods of Los Angeles and Monterey Park, California, the experienced medical team offers you support during this fertility transition. Get your menopause questions answered and symptoms eased. Call one of the offices or use the online tool to schedule an appointment.

Menopause Q & A

What is menopause?

You’ve passed through menopause when you haven’t had a period or ovulation for 12 straight months. This change in fertility usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but some women experience it sooner. A hysterectomy or cancer treatment can also make you go through menopause early.

Arriving at menopause is actually a very short event. The symptoms you associate with menopause actually occur mostly during perimenopause – the months or years prior to menopause. 

What symptoms suggest I am approaching menopause?

The perimenopause period often causes disruptive symptoms that get in the way of work and negatively affect your relationships. 

Not all women have serious menopause symptoms, but many experience: 

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of libido
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Sleep disruptions

Menopause may also cause weight gain, fatigue, and memory challenges. If you’re experiencing these symptoms and they’re interfering with your daily life, call Pacifica Health to set up an appointment for a menopause evaluation. 

How are menopause symptoms treated?

Menopause is a natural shift in your hormones and can’t be stopped, but the doctors at Pacifica Health offer a number of treatments that make the transition smoother and ease your uncomfortable symptoms. 

The symptoms you experience during menopause are due to the dramatic drop in your estrogen and progesterone levels. Hormone replacement therapy can help rebalance your levels so symptoms subside. 

Hormones come in the form of creams, oral pills, injections, or pellets. The pellets are inserted just under the skin. The doctors determine the best dosage and method of delivery based on your symptoms and health history. 

Hormone replacement therapy isn’t for everyone, so lifestyle changes and other prescription medications may be recommended. Lifestyle habits like eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise, and minimizing alcohol can all help. Certain drugs can help you manage brain fog, mood, and concentration problems. 

Menopause management also includes education and screenings to address other health changes that occur along with menopause. These health issues include a greater risk of heart disease, urinary issues, and osteoporosis. 

After you’ve passed through menopause, you can still benefit from yearly pelvic exams and STD testing, if appropriate for your lifestyle.

You want a trusted practice like Pacifica Health to be there for you as you pass through menopause. Call the office for an appointment or book online.